Map Ranking

Hollywood Bld

Tribe name:Hollywood Bld
Number of members:15
Points of the best 15 players71.779.924
Total points:71.779.924
Average points:4.785.328
Preferred languages:
Opponents defeated: 583.550.681 (1.)
» Tribal file (external link)

Tribe members

Name Rank Points Global Rank Villages
Ivar the Boneless. 1 9,117,702 1 810
The Real Heisenberg 2 8,005,337 2 671
Mickey O Neil 3 6,126,120 3 514
Tommy Shelby. 4 5,961,137 4 572
Austin Powers 5 5,846,798 5 527
Daenerys.Targaryen 6 5,445,939 7 467
Jack Reacher. 7 4,851,670 8 481
Lexa kom Trikru 8 4,660,403 9 460
Mazikeen Smith 9 4,588,450 10 459
Chuck Norris 10 3,808,732 11 319
Harvey Specter. 11 3,449,715 12 332
Richard D Grimes 12 3,191,958 13 317
Bubba Gump 13 2,817,076 14 274
The Enchanter Merlin 14 2,070,311 15 212
Katsuki Bakugo 15 1,838,576 16 188
Any Questions?

Mickey O Neil
Mazikeen Smith